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Austrian Digital Women's Network
Equal opportunities in professional life and equality for women are our concerns.
Find out more about equal pay and the gender pay gap and about our activities
With the right mix for a successful future – help for small businesses and large corporations
The current burden on women is of great concern. Women's rights are human rights and affect us all. We call on the government team to involve NGOs and women experts in a constructive, long-overdue strategy for gender equality - as provided for in the law," said Christa Kirchmair, deputy chair of the Frauenring.
in conversation with Christa Kirchmair as the representative of the Austrian Frauenring

Hello, I'm Karin!
dr Karin Wihsböck, President of the Austrian Digital Women's Network –
A non-partisan, non-profit association that campaigns for equal opportunities for women in professional life.
My wish: "The gender pay gap should no longer be an issue for my granddaughter and careers shouldn't end in the boardrooms."

A world that is equally male and female –
This is our vision
Women and men are equally perceived, supported and promoted in all sectors and hierarchies. Professional framework conditions match individual life models. The opportunity for lifelong learning and needs-based facilities for caring for children and people in need support equal opportunities for women and men.
Years of education are recognized equally for women and men and rewarded in the lifetime income. Family work has a place in the professional biographies of women and men and enables both of them to continue their professional development. In society, the role models of both parents are equally anchored and recognized.
Important, decision-relevant positions in business and politics are occupied by diverse people and reflect society. Sustainable management designed for the benefit of all preserves and conserves natural resources.
Every person is given the impartial and unprejudiced choice of their individual life model. The election is voluntary, taking into account one's own economic independence and the respective social responsibility. Any personal preferences in one's own way of life are accepted and respected by society.
The world we live in is equally male and female. Women and men enjoy the same social position and shape our environment and the reality of our lives in equal parts. There is true equality of opportunity and equality for all genders, our culture sees women and men as completely equal.